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Foster & Kinship Care Advisory Committee

This committee consists of FKCE staff, trainers, Child Welfare staff, resource families, and former foster youth. We invite you to join us in discussing program improvements, training, conferences and special events. We typically meet twice a year in October and March. Our meetings take place on Zoom and all are welcome to attend. Please call for exact dates.                                                                                    

Humboldt County Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI)

QPI is an approach, a philosophy and a network of sites that share information and ideas about how to improve parenting as well as recruit and retain excellent families. It is an effort to rebrand foster care, not simply by changing a logo or an advertisement, but by changing the expectations of and support for caregivers.  They work as a team with agency staff to support children and youth. The child welfare system commits to fully supporting excellent parenting by putting the needs of the child first.  Contact Trevlene  Blood at for more information.

Humboldt County Foster Families...

  • Are valued members of a team dedicated to nurturing, honoring and supporting children and their families
  • Practice a high standard of skilled parenting by being willing  to seek out resources and training to help children cope with trauma, loss and separation through developmental life stages
  • Mentor, support and advocate for children, families and each other
  • Are open to maintaining a lifelong connection to children, youth and families

Humboldt Parent Support Group

Weekly parenting support group for Grandparents, guardians and foster parents at the Shiloh Family Church, 1736 Newburg Road, Fortuna. In the summer months they meet once a month. For more information: contact Bill Evans at

Stay in touch

with Foster and Kinship Care Education Program


(707) 476-4455


Spring 2025
Monday-Thursday 9:00am.- 4:00pm
Closed Fridays


Forum Building
Room 105
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